Abner and the Ogre

Puritan swordsmen who fight the supernatural come in more than one flavor…

An Earful of Cider

Regrets are for cowards…


Josiah Abel is so much NOT Solomon Kane…

Fool’s Fortress

A sword & sorcery love story inspired by R.E. Howard’s “Worms of the Earth”.

The Girl on the Hearth

Cinderella, with some twists.

Jasper’s Journey

A rather flaky take on apotheosis.

The Spider and the Widget

Cyberpunk: General nastiness.

Storybook Orc

This is the first arc of a now-discontinued novel project set in the world of Grandilar, setting of the Dragonstorm game from Black Dragon Press.

They Were Never Dolphins

It might actually be Magical Realism…

Under the Wolf’s Head



Medieval: Love and honorable death.

White Ghost

Contemporary fantasy. Death, voyeurism, crisis apparition, and etymology all in a 620 word package!

Zhanh’s Wanderings

An orphaned elf was raised by goblins, then trained in sorcery by an orc. And THEN things got strange. Nominally set in Ken St. Andre’s “Trollworld”, setting of the game “Tunnels and Trolls” from Flying Buffalo.